• The Grand Roosevelt Ballroom!  Our Beautiful Ballroom was opened almost 110 years ago.  30 foot ceilings, full walnut dance floor,  3 glorious  chandoliers make this one of Richmond's favorite wedding destination. There are so many ways to set the table for your perfect day! [...]

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    We had the pleasure of Dimple nd Cheeks Photography in for a beautiful  wedding and take a peek at the photo and the beautiful Roosevelt Ballroom. @Renaissance_RVA #Weddings  

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    Merry Christmas

    24 Dec 2016

    Please pardon us as our managers and crew take a few days to be with family and friends during the holidays. We wish you happy holidays with those you care about and the best the season has to offer for you and yours!!  Our sales offices open the 29th and January 3rd.  Merry Christmas!

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    A special shout out to the vendors who made their day possible, Fantasia Sound Disc Jockeys, Dimples and Cheeks Photography, Bridal Elegance VA, The Renaissance, Pearl's Cupcake Shoppe, and many others who made their day special! https://www.borrowedandblue.com/richmond/weddings/elle-peter

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    This throwback is brought to you by the Marshall / Secor Reception from the fall of 2013!   We love the style and flair, how about you ?

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    Here's another glimpse of the Roosevelt Ballroom, a true victorian ballroom for Richmond!

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    From big smiles and a family recipe for "tea" this group of family & friends gathered at The Renaissance last night to spread the cheer for Liz and Ryan's Reception. Take a peek at a few hundred friends starting the evening and laughing all the way through the Sparkler sendoff! We wish then [...]

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    We are always looking for great ways to interact with our great clients and guests!  This morning we spent some time with Richmond Weddings who hosted a panel with some of the top talent of media in the wedding, blogging, social media and public relations areas.    Our friends are [...]

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