• Open Summer Dates and Special Rates

    Photo Credit: Steven and Lilly Photography We have a few Summer Saturday's open! If you are looking to host a wedding or even just a fun party we are offering special rates if you book one of the below dates. You will get $500 in immediate savings on the rental, a lowered deposit rate, flexible[...]

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    Chris and Dora's Wedding

    We had the pleasure of hosting Chris and Dora's beautiful wedding in September and we were so excited to get these beautiful photos from their photographer Ginger Snap Photography. Dora looked incredible! She had her hair and makeup done by the always fabulous Lou Stevens Glam Squad, who has their [...]

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  • Ready to Book Your Event?

    Morbi nibh dolor, pretium id enim sit amet, sollicitudin egestas libero. Praesent tempus nisl sit amet neque congue, quis sollicitudin tortor imperdiet. Pellentesque vestibulum nisl vel vulputate posuere. Quisque porta a augue sit amet ultrices. Sed eros eros, condimentum in urna vel, cursus commodo mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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