• For thousands of high schoolers across the country, this time of year can be summed up in one word- Prom! Luckily, for those in the Central Virginia area, the Renaissance serves as the ideal venue for a high school prom, or other large scale event. Our Roosevelt Ballroom holds up to 500 standing, [...]

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    Recently, we were approached by one of our brides about trying a new table layout for her full dinner reception. Instead of using a typical round table format, she wanted an X shape, with a large floral arrangement in the middle. When the silver table runners were paired with the crimson roses, the [...]

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    Hosting none other than The Delta House Foundation Fundraiser. Always a pleasure to be a part if this event. The hosts are so nice and the cause is so needed for the youth.  

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    Morbi nibh dolor, pretium id enim sit amet, sollicitudin egestas libero. Praesent tempus nisl sit amet neque congue, quis sollicitudin tortor imperdiet. Pellentesque vestibulum nisl vel vulputate posuere. Quisque porta a augue sit amet ultrices. Sed eros eros, condimentum in urna vel, cursus commodo mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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